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Pepin's Pharmaceutical Prattle for 04-06-2009

 Quote of the day:

   Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides.

        Rita Mae Brown, Starting From Scratch, 1988

 Good Morning!

Five languages

What would happen if you only spoke English and I gave you the winning lotto numbers in Japanese? Nothing. What if you told me that my house was on fire in your best Hindi but I could not understand a word? My house would likely burn to the ground. Addressing me in my native tongue, a hodge-podge of English and Minnesotan, is the only way in which I can be made to understand.

          According to Dr. Gary Chapman, people of all cultures each speak 1 of 5 basic love languages. In his book, appropriately titled, The Five Love Languages, he tells of the 5 ways that we all understand that we are loved: hearing words of Affirmation, spending quality time, receipt of gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. To the person who primarily experiences love from words of affirmation, the receipt of a gift may be like being told “I love you” in Greek… the message missed the mark. Often our love language is that which we most associated with our parents’ way of showing their love for us. Understanding the fact that what makes you feel loved may not be what makes your spouse feel loved can be a real eye opener. I was so excited about this book (which my son lent to me) that I read it in 2 sittings and had to share. Dr. Chapman is a family counselor who has helped many troubled couples return to each other and flourish. The stories are compelling. When we learn our partner’s love language and begin to speak it, their “love tank” begins to fill and they are more likely to reciprocate the love shown to them. In general, when a person feels loved they are more likely to be successful.

          The pharmaceutical companies have not “felt the love” for many years. Governments speak negatively about them, avoid contact except for regulatory control, take from them (instead of gift) “users fees” and do not provide useful services to the industry. Three big mergers this year testify to the decline in the industry. Now banks,, AIG, and the auto industry are also not feelin’ the love as well.

          Can business apply the Five Languages of Love to their employees? Except for the physical touch (which would bring HR into the picture in a hurry) companies can show appreciation to employees but will have to apply all of the other four languages in order to reach everyone. A 3 year pin might be a reward to one employee but scoffed at by another. A gift card at Christmas will be appreciated by all but really valued by those who see the gift as an expression of love.  An appreciation dinner or picnic (an act of service) will be seen, by those inclined, as love but just another meal to those who speak another dialect of love.

This book joins my library of "must-reads" as a life lesson that HAS to be learned, studied and practiced. A section at the back of the book will help you determine which one of the five is your primary love language and which might be secondary. Finding out your spouse's love language could provide just the key needed to unlock the full potential of your relationship and heighten satisfaction of both parties. I recommend it highly to all, Try for more on the good doctor. Who loves ya' kid (and how)?

Have a GREAT week!



ps. Best answer this week to the question "How are you?" was “I don’t have my sea legs yet but I’m workin’ on it” -A co-worker just back from a brush with Pneumonia.

pps. Please note that some of the links may not be up for very long and that

     you should capture or print anything that you may wish to keep.



1) FDA bans unapproved narcotics

Some companies have made generic morphine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone for years and sold them through wholesalers. FDA is recalling the products because they were never FDA approved! Many of the products are produced by well respected names in the industry. Someone messed up big time and I think that the FDA is just trying to save face. (just my opinion… I could be wrong)


2) We know autism is not caused by vaccines but it may be reversible.

Recent studies have debunked the theory that Autism is related to the use of a mercury based preservatives once used in many old vaccines. Some new research suggests that autism may represent a dysregulated brain and could respond to pharmacological manipulation. Some kids appeared to get better when they spiked a fever but reverted when the fever went away. See the article for the logical connection and explanation. Ps The researches have no idea which drug might help… just a theory that SOMETHING might.


3) Book ‘em Dano!

Caraco has recalled ALL of the digoxin tablets it has ever made. Digoxin is in the top 5 of all idiopathic drug intoxications causing death. (Here the “ido” is the physician who does not adjust dosage for renal function or adequately monitors the patient). Docs certainly do not need a super potent product out there to increase the risks.


4) Hello mom? Dad? I’m back from college… unannounced.

This ad for Cialis and 2 others by Lilly are among the top 5 most-memorable prescription drug ads of 2008. To really remember something, the audience has to see it seven times,,, maybe this numbers are just a function of how often they are running… (which seem like about a thousand times apiece each week).


5) FDA warns about internet ad links

Promotion of unapproved uses and lack of adequate warnings about potential side effect and BLACK BOX warnings were cited by the FDA in warning letters to major pharmaceutical companies.


6) The Division of Alcohol and Firearms? Getting the nicotine out.

The US House of Representatives just passed a bill that would remove the regulation of tobacco from ATF and placed it in the FDA’s lap. Under the proposed law the FDA could do anything except ban tobacco. The Senate has yet to take this up. You all know how much I am against smoking but this proposed change just doesn’t feel right.;_


7) Why not just put it in the water?

Researchers have found that the use of anti-HIV drug early in the infection, before the immune system is completely knocked out, produces better outcomes. Unless IV drug users and sexually active high risk groups are frequently tested and results acted upon in a responsible manner we are back where we started; treating people who have advanced HIV to the point where they present with compromised immune systems and the present dismal effectiveness of the anti-retrovirals.







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Disclaimer: "Pepin's Pharmaceutical Prattle" (AKA "The Prattle") is the property of PHARMWORKS, LLC and Steven M. Pepin, Pharm. D, BCPS. The opinions expressed are those of the bald-headed author. To start or stop any drug without the advice and supervision of your physician would be stupid. So don't do anything based upon what you read here without professional advice.  To be added to or removed from the distribution list please e-mail your request to . All insightful comments from readers are thoughtfully considered (the rest are callously discarded). Copyright 1998-2009 PHARMWORKS,LLC all rights reserved.

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