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Pepin's Pharmaceutical Prattle for 07-27-2009

 Quote of the day: Never be entirely idle; but either be reading,

                  or writing, or praying or meditating

                    or endeavoring something for the public good.

                       Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)      

Good Morning!

If I did it, this is how

My youngest son asked me a curious question the other day. “How did you do it?” I asked for more specifics. He has seen some of his friends slacking off, some more than others, and wondered why he remains compelled to work on things that must be done. It got me thinking of anything that I might have done to shape him (and my other two) into a purpose driven person. If it is “nature” (genetic based) then I do have something to do with it. What if it was “Nurture”? What could I have done to instill the "work ethic" into my kids?

I came up with a long list of possibilities:

1) When each was old enough I gave them age appropriate tasks to help contribute to the family good.

    It might have been picking up their toys, making their own bed, taking out the trash but in all cases it was real work that really helped out. (they will appreciate it more when they are parents and have picked up toys more than a few times). None were made up or useless tasks.

2) Each was rewarded for work. Not always monetarily, but at least a quick word of praise, without gushing.

3) I always tried to set an example. If they were told to do something it was ALWAYS something I was also doing at the time or would do if they were not around. As they picked up toys, I would pick up toys too.

4) I worked hard and long hours at my regular job. I hardly ever complained about my job. I was thankful for the opportunity to earn a good living. They probably observed me going in to work even when I did not feel the best, "radio voice" and all.

5) They saw me stretch and start additional entrepreneurial endeavors; "Pharmworks" being only the latest. They heard me speak of having started other companies and other accomplishments in other jobs.

6) I always am trying to learn new things and have impressed upon them the need to be a “life long learner”. Read books outside of your field.

7) They heard about how I put myself through 8 years of college. (first quarter tuition was $95 plus books for 17 credits). My folks let me stay at home but couldn't help beyond that. With the price of education today, it would be impossible for anyone to do that without help.

8) They were all sent to a great University and all have "skin in the game" for their education. They have loans and something to lose if they don't knuckle down.

9) I love them all and make sure you know it.  I don't expect them to always succeed. They know that I expect them to try. They do not want to have my reasonable expectations go unmet. The most devastating words a child can hear are "I am disappointed in you". If I ever used them, it was a very measured step and only meant to have the child make a better effort. I hope that I don't hear those words when I reach the pearly gates.

10) I used my "free time" to improve our home and yard. Menards anyone? I let them help as they could.

11) I invested some of that "Free time" in community with Knights of Columbus, BSA, and coaching sports. While each was "work" the latter 2 allowed me more time with my kids.

12) Work was not everything. Play was important too. 

13) I listened as well as talked. 

Nature or Nurture? Probably a combination of ingredients but I’d rather be lucky than smart. These are my children… in whom I am well pleased!

Have a GREAT week!



ps. Best answer this week to the question "How are you?" was "I'm twice as good as yesterday!"

pps. Please note that some of the links may not be up for very long and that

     you should capture or print anything that you may wish to keep.


1) ObamaCare delayed

Democrats finally acknowledge what has been “known” for weeks: health care reform vote will not happen before the August recess. Would be nice if the kids on the playground did not hear the bell and did not come in from recess. While the American appetite for health care reform is not voracious, expect something to be rammed down our throats (and to get the bill for it too!)


2) Reduced Intellegence

IMS, the worlds leading provider of pharmaceutical and healthcare intelligence, is “right-sizing”. Job cuts will affect employees around the globe. They will continue to be profitable.


3) Electric cigarettes?

Smokeless electronic, battery powered device vaporizes liquid nicotine for inhalation. The kids are glomming on to this high tech alternative to cigarettes. Uncle Sam is getting riled up because they do not contain any health warnings. I’ll bet that they are equally upset because of the loss of tax revenue. Definitely targeted at youth, in that they are available in chocolate and mint flavors. Nicotine is addictive in whatever form it is taken. Harmful chemicals and carcinogens found in the samples tested. Well, at least they won’t be throwing the butts out the car window.


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4) Dirty scrub tech infects patients

A surgical “scrub tech” allegedly injected herself with the pain killing narcotic, fentanyl, and filled the now contaminated syringes with saline. She has hepatitis C and so do at least 19 patients due to her reckless behavior. She is being held without bond.


5) You’ll need 2 shots this year

FDA approved the 2009-2010 vaccine against influenza on July 20. The four strains selected do NOT include the H1N1 (swine) flu strain. If and when THAT comes out you will have to have yet another shot (or risk getting sick).


6) This little piggy went to market

Patients receive porcine pancrease implants in an effort to thwart their diabetes. These 8 new patients are from New Zealand (not New Guinea) and they are definitely not pigs! Quoted as say “We’re diabetic human subjects… not Guinea pigs!”


7) And the last word is  “ZZZZZzzzzz…”

Sleep problems and what can be done about them. Includes ramifications of sleep deprivation in the workplace. Whatever the problem, propofol is not the answer!






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Disclaimer: "Pepin's Pharmaceutical Prattle" (AKA "The Prattle") is the property of PHARMWORKS, LLC and Steven M. Pepin, Pharm. D, BCPS. The opinions expressed are those of the bald-headed author. To start or stop any drug without the advice and supervision of your physician would be stupid. So don't do anything based upon what you read here without professional advice.  To be added to or removed from the distribution list please e-mail your request to . All insightful comments from readers are thoughtfully considered (the rest are callously discarded). Copyright 1998-2009 PHARMWORKS,LLC all rights reserved.

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